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(1)研究論文 (左欄外の(※)はレフェリー付論文)
 ※ 1) Nakano T, Nagata N, Kimura T, Sekimoto M, Kawaide H, Murakami S, Kaneko Y, Matsushima H, Kamiya Y, Sato F, Yoshida S: CND41, a chloroplast nucleoid protein that regulates plastid development, causes reduced gibberellin content and dwarfism in tobacco. Physiologia Plantarum, 117, 130-136, 平成15
 ※ 2) Motohashi R, Ito T, Kobayashi M, Taji T, Nagata N, Asami T, Yoshida S, Yamaguchi-Shinozaki K, Shinozaki K: Functional analysis of the 37-kDa inner envelope membrane polypeptide in chloroplast biogenesis, using a Ds-tagged Arabidopsis pale-green mutant. Plant J., 34, 719-731, 平成15
  3) Nagata N, Suzuki M, Yoshida S, Muranaka T: Action of mevalonic acid-derived isoprenoids in Arabidopsis. In: N. Murata, M. Yamada, I. Nishida, H. Okuyama, J. Sekiya, W. Hajime (eds.). Advanced Research on Plant Lipids, Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Plant Lipids. Kluwer Academic publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 245-248, 平成15
  4) Suzuki M, Nagata N, Kamide Y, Yoshida S, Muranaka T: The study of the mechanism of cell elongation using an inhibitor of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase, In: N. Murata, M. Yamada, I. Nishida, H. Okuyama, J. Sekiya, W. Hajime (eds.).  Advanced Research on Plant Lipids. Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Plant Lipids. Kluwer Academic publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp 249-252, 平成15
  5) Nagata N: Differentiation of organelles during male gametophyte development in higher plants. Plant Morphol., 15, 68-75, 平成15
 ※ 6) Suzuki M*, Kamide Y*, Nagata N*, Seki H, Ohyama K, Kato H, Masuda K, Kato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Yoshida S, Muranaka T: Loss of function of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase 1 (HMG1) in Arabidopsis leads to dwarfing, early senescence and male sterility, and reduced sterol levels. Plant J., 37, 750-761, 平成16 (*These authors are contributed equally in this work)
 ※ 7) 永田典子、浅見忠男、吉田茂男:ブラシノステロイド欠損条件下における光形態形成.植物の生長調節, 39, 120-126, 平成16
 ※ 8) Nishida N, Tamotsu S, Nagata N, Saito C, Sakai A: Allelopathic effects of volatile monoterpenoids produced by Salvia leucophylla: Inhibition of cell proliferation and DNA synthesis in the root apical meristem of Brassica campestris sddelings. J. Chem. Ecol., 31, 1187-1203, 平成17
 ※ 9) Yamagishi K, Nagata N, Yee KM, Braybrook SA, Pelletier J, Fujioka S, Yoshida S, Fischer RL, Goldberg RB, Harada JJ: TANMEI/EMB2757 Encodes a WD Repeat Protein Required for Embryo and Vegetative Development in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol., 139, 163-173, 平成17
10) Fumiyoshi Myouga, Reiko Motohashi, Takashi Kuromori, Noriko Nagata, Kazuo Shinozaki: An Arabidopsis chloroplast-targeted Hsp101 homologue, APG6, has an essential role in chloroplast development as well as heat-stress response. Plant J., 48 (2): 249-260 (2006)
11) Takeshi Yoshizumi, Yuko Tsumoto, Tomoko Takiguchi, Noriko Nagata, Yoshiharu Y. Yamamoto, Mika Kawashima, Takanari Ichikawa, Miki Nakazawa, Naoki Yamamoto, Minami Matsui : INCREASED LEVEL OF POLYPLOIDY1, a conserved repressor of CYCLINA 2 transcription, controls endoreduplication in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell, 18(10): 2452-2468 (2006)
※ 1) Humbel BM, Konomi M, Takagi T, Kamasawa N, Ishijima SA, Osumi M: In situ localisation of β-glucans in the cell wall of Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Yeast, 18, 433-444, 平成13
※ 2) Tanaka N, Konomi M, Osumi M, Takegawa K: Characterization of a Schizosaccharomyces pombe mutant deficient in UDP-galactose transport activity. Yeast, 18, 903-914, 平成13
※ 3) Shibasaki S, Ueda M, Iizuka T, Hirayama M, Ikeda Y, Kamasawa N, Osumi M, Tanaka A: Quantitative evaluation of the enhanced green flourescent protein displayed on the cell surface of Saccharomyces cerevisiae by flurometric and confocal laser scanning microscopic analyses. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 55, 471-475, 平成13
※ 4) Shibasaki S, Ueda M, Ye K, Shimizu K, Kamasawa N, Osumi M, Tanaka A:Creation of cell surface-engineered yeast that display different fluorescent proteins in response to the glucose concentration. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 57, 528-533, 平成13
  5) 大隅正子: 酵母細胞の新しい走査電子顕微鏡観察法-加圧凍結・極低温SEM法の誕生-. 電子顕微鏡, 36, 108-110, 平成13
  6) 釜澤尚美、大隅正子: 酵母ペルオキシソームの生合成. 電子顕微鏡, 36, 138-140, 平成13
  7) 鮫島正純, 岸義朗, Cotter DA, 大隅正子: 粘菌胞子の加圧凍結. 電子顕微鏡, 36, 111-113, 平成13
  8) 大隅正子:真菌細胞壁の形成過程. 細胞, 33, 550-552, 平成13
  9) 許斐麻美、大隅正子:変異株を用いて解析した酵母細胞壁の形成機構. 細胞, 33 566569, 平成13
※10) Sameshima M, Kishi Y, Osumi M, Minamikawa-Tachino R, Mahadeo D, Cotter DA: The formation of actin rods composed of actin tubles in Dictyostelium discoideum spores. J. Struct. Biol., 136, 7-19, 平成13
 11) 大隅正子: 構造生物学における加圧凍結技法の貢献-分裂酵母の細胞壁研究を例として-(総説).日本女子大学紀要 理学部, 10, 43-63, 平成14
 12) 大隅正子: 酵母の超微構造学を求めて. Plant Morphol., 14, 54-67, 平成14
※13) Sameshima M, Kishi Y, Osumi M, Mahadeo D, Cotter DA: Electron microscopy of actin rods and bundles in Dictyostelium discoideum by high-pressure freezing. J. Electron Microsc., 51, 337-340, 平成14
 14) Osumi M, Konomi M, Takagi T, Kobayashi E: High pressure freezing is a successful means of fixation for ultra-low temperature, low-voltage SEM and immunoelectron microscopy in yeast. Proceedings of the 15th International congress on electron microscopy (Durban, South Africa), 2, 351-352, 平成14
15) Kamasawa N, Osumi M: Ultrastructures on biogenesis of yeast peroxisome. Proceedings of the 15th International congress on electron microscopy (Durban, South Africa), 2, 421-422, 平成14
16) Konomi M, Fujimoto F, Toda T, Osumi M: Functional analysis of the α-1,3-glucan synthesis in the cell wall formation of fission yeast. Proceedings of the 15th International congress on electron microscopy (Durban, South Africa), 2, 423-424, 平成14
17) Takagi T, Osumi M: Ultrastructure of actin cytoskeleton in fission yeast, Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Proceedings of the 15th International congress on electron microscopy (Durban, South Africa) 2, 195-196, 平成14
 ※18) Yamada Y, Makimura K, Merhendi H, Ueda K, Nishiyama Y, Yamaguchi H, Osumi M: Comparison of different methods for extraction of mitchondrial DNA from human pathogenic yeasts. Jpn. J. Infect. Dis., 55, 122-125, 平成14
※19) Yamada Y, Osumi M, Makimura K, Yamaguchi H: Overview of lipophilic yeast Malassezia: the current status of the molecular diagnosis. Jpn. J. Antibiotics, 55, 493-499, 平成14
※20) Tanaka Y, Suzuki Y, Osumi M, Kaneko TS: Behavior of phosphatase isoforms during sclerotium formation in Physarum polycephalum. Phytochemistry, 61, 485-491, 平成14
21) 大隅正子: 酵母の細胞壁再生モデルで電顕技術をツールから学問に. Techno Innovation, 12, 32-33, 平成14
22) 山田陽子、大隅正子、槇村浩一、山口英世:脂質要求性酵母Malassezia属感染症の遺伝子診断と起因菌の分子生物学的同定法研究の現状(総説). The Japanese J. Antibiotics, 55, 493-499, 平成14
※23) Ueda M, Kinoshita H, Yoshida T, Kamasawa N, Osumi M, Tanaka A: Effect of catalase-specific inhibitor 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole on yeast peroxisomal catalase in vivo. FEMS Microbiol. Lett., 219, 93-98, 平成15
※24) Ueda M, Kanayama N, Kamasawa N, Osumi M, Tanaka A: Up-regulation of the peroxisomal β-oxidation system occurs in butyrate-grown Candida tropicalis following disruption of the gene encoding peroxisomal 3-ketoacyl-CoA thiolase. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 1631, 160-168, 平成15
※25) Konomi M, Fujimoto K, Toda T, Osumi M: Characterization and behavior of α-glucan synthase in Schizosaccharomyces pombe revealed by electron microscopy. Yeast, 20, 427-438, 平成15
※26) Sugawara T, Sato M, Takagi T, Kamasaki T, Ohno Y, Osumi M: In situ localization of cell wall α-1,3-glucan in fission yeast Shizosaccharomyces pombe. J. Electron Microsc., 52, 237-242, 平成15
※27) Takagi T, Ishijima SA, Ochi H, Osumi M: Ultrastructure and behavior of actin cytoskeleton during cell wall formation in the fission yeast, Shizosaccharomyces pombe. J. Electron Microsc., 52, 161-174, 平成15
※28) Yamada Y, Makimura K, Ueda K, Nishiyama Y, Uchida K, Yamaguchi H, Osumi M: DNA base alignment and taxonomic study of genus Malassezia based upon partial sequences of mitochondrial large subunit ribosomal RNA. Microbial. Immunol., 47, 475-478, 平成15
29) 大隅正子: 酵母細胞の電子顕微鏡学的研究-とくにマイクロボディ結晶体の立体構造-. 生命・細胞・電子顕微鏡講演会講演集, 大隅正子編, 瑞穂印刷株式会社, 5-12, 平成15
30) 許斐麻美、大隅正子: 超微構造学で迫る酵母細胞壁の形成機構. 生命・細胞・電子顕微鏡講演会講演集, 大隅正子, 瑞穂印刷株式会社, 227-234, 平成15
31) 釜澤尚美、大隅正子: 酵母ペルオキシソームの生合成に関する電子顕微鏡学今昔物語. 生命・細胞・電子顕微鏡講演会講演集, 大隅正子, 瑞穂印刷株式会社, 235-238, 平成15
 ※32) Sugawara T, Takahashi S, Osumi M, Ohno N: Refinement of the structure of cell-wall glucans of Schizosaccharomyces pombe by chemical modification and NMR spectroscopy. Carbohydr. Res., 339, 2255-2265, 平成16
※33) Kamino T, Yaguchi T, Ohnishi T, Ishitani T, Osumi M: 3D observation of a resin embedded yeast cell using a FIB-STEM. J. Electron Microsc., 53, 563-566, 平成16
※34) Mukaiyama H, Baba M, Osumi M, Aoyagi A, Kato N, Ohsumi Y, Sakai Y: Modification of a ubiquitin like protein Paz2 conduted micropexophagy through formation of a novel membrane structure. Mol. Biol. Cell, 15, 58-70, 平成16
※35) Yamada Y, Makimura K, Uchida K, Yamaguchi H, Osumi M: Phylogenetic relationships among medically important yeasts based on sequences of mitochondrial large subunit ribosomal RNA gene. Mycoses., 47, 24-28, 平成16年
36) 大隅正子: 詳しく視て、正しく読む. 顕微鏡, 39, 143, 平成16
37) 大隅正子: 電子顕微鏡による形態データは機能研究に重要である. The Hitachi Scientific Instrument News, 46, 4141-4142, 平成16
38) 大隅正子、許斐麻美:低加速電圧SEM法の現状と展望. 日本顕微鏡学会関東支部第29回講演会予稿集, 47-52 ,平成17
39) 許斐麻美、大隅正子:生物試料における加圧凍結固定法. 日本顕微鏡学会関東支部第29回講演会予稿集, 53-56,平成17
※40) Kamasaki T, Arai R, Osumi M, Mabuchi I: Directionality of F-actin cables changes during the fission yeast cell cycle. Nat. Cell Biol., 7, 9, 916-917, 平成17
※41) Martin-Cuadrado AB, Morrell JL, Konomi M, An H, Petit C, Osumi M, Balasubramanian M, Gould KL, Rey F, Aldana CRV: Role of septins and the exocyst complex in the function of hydrolytic enzymes responsible for fission yeast cell separation. Mol. Biol. Cell, 16, 4867-4881,  平成17
※42) Sunarpi H, Horie T, Motoda J, Kubo M, Yang H, Yoda K, Horie R, Chan WY, Leung HY, Hattori W, Konomi M, Osumi M, Yamagami M, Schroeder J, Uozumi N: Enhanced salt tolerance mediated by At HKT1 transporter-induced Na+ unloading from xylem vesseles to xylem parenchyma cells. Plant J., 44, 928-938, 平成17
※43) Kanzawa N, Hoshino Y, Chiba M, Hochino D, Kobayashi H, Kamasawa N, Kishi Y, Osumi M, Sameshima M, Tsuchiya T: Changes in the cytoskeletone during seismonastic movement of Mimosa pudica. Plant Morphol, in press, 平成17
 ※ 1) Ota M, Imaichi R, Kato M: Developmental morphology of the thalloid Hydrobryum japonicum (Podostemaceae). Am. J. Bot., 88, 382-390, 平成13
※ 2) Yamada T, Imaichi R, Kato M: Developmental morphology of ovules and seeds of Nymphaeales. Am. J. Bot., 88, 963-974, 平成13
※ 3) Imaichi R, Inokuchi S, Kato M: Developmental morphology of one-leaf plant Monophyllaea singularis (Gesneriaceae). Plant Systematics and Evolution, 229, 171-185, 平成13
  4) 今市涼子:一葉植物(イワタバコ科)の起源と形態進化. Plant Morphol., 13, 42-50, 平成13
※ 5) Yamada H, Tobe H, Imaichi R, Kato M: Developmental morphology of ovules of Amborella trichopoda (Amboreraceae) and Chloranthus serratus (Chloranthaceae). Bot. J. Linn. Soc., 137, 277-290. 平成13
  6)  Imaichi R: Evolutionary morphology of one-leaf plant (Gesneriaceae). Plant Morphol., 13, 41-50 (in Japanese), 平成13
※ 7) Hiyama Y, Tsukamoto I, Imaichi R, Kato M: Developmental anatomy and branching of root of four Zeylanidium species(Podostemaceae) with implications for evolution of foliose roots. Ann. Bot., 90, 735-744, 平成14
※ 8) Yamada T, Imaichi R, Kato M: The outer integument and funicular outgrowth complex in the ovule of Magnolia grandiflora (Magnoliaceae). J. Plant Res., 116, 189-198, 平成15
※ 9) Yamada T, Imaichi R, Prakash N, Kato M: Developmental morphology of ovules and seeds of Austrobaileyales. Australian J. Bot., 51, 555-564, 平成15
※10) Imaichi R, Maeda R, Suzuki K, Kato M: Developmental morphology of foliose shoots and seedlings of Dalzellia zeylanica (Podostemaceae) with special reference to their meristems. Bot. J. Linn. Soc., 144, 289-302, 平成16
※11) Koi S, Imaichi R, Kato M: Endogenesis leaf initiation in the apical-meristemless shoot of Cladopus queenslandicus (Podostemaceae) and implications for evolution of shoot morphology. Int. J. Plant Sci., 166(2), 199-206, 平成17
※12) Ayano M, Imaichi R, Kato M: Developmental morphology of the Asian one-leaf plant, Monophyllaea glabra (Gesneriaceae) with emphasis on inflorescence morphology. J. Plant Res., 118, 99-109, 平成17
※13) Imaichi R, Hiyama Y, Kato M: Leaf development in the absence of a shoot apical meristem in Zeylanidium subulatum (Podostemaceae). Ann. Bot., 96, 51-58, 平成17
※14) Iwamoto A, Matsumura Y, Ohba H, Murata J, Imaichi R: Developmental and structure of trichotomous branching in Edgeworthia chrysantha (Thymelaeaceae). Am. J. Bot., 92, 1350-1358, 平成17
※15) Tsukaya H, Imaichi R, Yokoyama J: Leaf-shape variation of Paederia foetida L. in Japan: reexamination of the small, narrow leaf type from Miyajima Island. J. Plant Res., in press, 平成17
※16) Koi S, Fujinami R, Kubo N, Tsukamoto R, Inagawa R, Imaichi R, Kato M.: Comparative anatomy of root meristem and root cap in some species  of Podostemaceae and the evolution of root dorsiventrality.  Amer.  J. Bot., in press, 平成18
※ 1) Eda-Fujiwara, H., Satoh, R., Miyamoto, T. Song preferences by females: male song complexity and gene expression in the female brain. Ornithol. Sci. 5: 23-29 (2006)  平成18年
※ 2) 宮崎彩子、宮本武典、藤原宏子、佐藤亮平 IMP添加によるうま味嗜好性とc-fos発現パターンの変化 味と匂誌 13: 331-334 (2006)  平成18年
※ 3) 宮本武典、土田晴美、藤原宏子、佐藤亮平 マウスの味覚嫌悪学習の条件刺激前後での重力攪乱の影響による変化 Space Utiliz.Res. 22:181-183 (2006)  平成18年
※ 1) Kwon E, Oh EJ, Kim SY, Hirose F, Ohno K, Nishida Y, Matsukage A, Yamaguchi M, Yoo MA: Transcriptional regulation of the  Drosophila raf proto-oncogene by the transcription factor dE2F. Nucleic Acids Res., 29, 1808-1814, 平成13
※ 2) Yamaguchi M, Yoshida H, Hirose F, Inoue YH, Hayashi Y, Yamagishi M, Nishi Y, Tamai K, Sakaguchi K, Matsukage A: Ectopic expression of BEAF32A in the Drosophila eye imaginal disc inhibits differentiation of photoreceptor cells and induces apoptosis. Chromosoma, 110, 313-321, 平成13
※ 3) Hirose F, Ohshima N, Shiraki M, Inoue YH, Taguchi O, Nishi Y, Matsukage A, Yamaguchi M: Ectopic expression of DREF induces DNA synthesis, apoptosis and unusual morphogenesis in the Drosophila eye imaginal disc: Possible interaction with Polycomb and trithorax group proteins. Mol. Cell Biol., 21, 7231-7242, 平成13
※ 4) Mizushina Y, Sugiyama Y, Yoshida H, Hanashima S, Yamazaki T, Kamisuki S, Ohta K, Takemura M, Yamaguchi T, Matsukage A, Yoshida S, Saneyoshi M, Sugawara F, Sakaguchi K: Galacosyldiacylglycerol, a mammalian DNA polymerase a-specific inhibitor from a sea algae, Petalonia bingbamiae. Biol. Pharm. Bull, 24, 982-987, 平成13.
※ 5) Yoshida H, Inoue Y.H, Hirose F, Sakaguchi K, Matsukage A, Yamaguchi M: Over expression of DREF in the wing imagina disc induces apoptosis and a notching wing phenotype. Genes Cells, 6, 877-886, 平成13
※ 6) Mizushina Y, Kamisuki S, Kasai N, Shimazaki N, Takemura M, Asahara H, Linn S, Yoshida S, Matsukage A, Koiwai O, Sugawara F, Yoshida H, Sakaguchi K: A plant phytotoxin, salanapyrone A, is an inhibitor of DNA polymerase β and λ. J. Biol. Chem., 277, 630-638, 平成14
※ 7) Higashiyama H, Hirose F, Yamaguchi M, Inoue YH, Fujitake N, Matsukage A, Kakizuka A: Identification of ter94, Drosoophila VCP, as a modulator of polyglutamine-induced newurodegeneration. Cell Death Differ., 9, 264-273, 平成14
  8) 松影昭夫DNAポリメラーゼβ. 生化学, 74, 203-207, 平成14
  9) 松影昭夫:転写制御因子DREFは細胞増殖のマスターキーか?. 日本女子大学理学部紀要, 10, 73-79, 平成14
 10) Maruyama M, Inoue M, Koike A, Shuto T, Ikeda A, Yoshida H, Yamaguchi M, Hirose F, Matsukage A: DREF, a transcriptional regulatory factor related to cell proliferation. Natural Science Report of the Ochanomizu University, 53, 55-62, 平成14
※11) 広瀬富美子、松影昭夫:クロマチンリモデリングと遺伝子発現制御. 生体の科学, 54, 197-205, 平成15
※12) Yamaguchi M, Hirose F, Inoue F.H., Ohno K, Yoshida H, Hayashi Y, Deak P, Matsukage A: Genetic Link between p53 and Genes Required for Formation of the Zonula Adeherens Junction. Cancer Sci., 95, 436-441, 平成16
※13) Sugimoto N, Tatsumi Y, Tsurumi T, Matsukage A, Kiyono T, Nishitani H, Fujita M: Cdt1 phosphorylation by cyclin A-dependent kinases negatively regulates its function without affecting geminin binding. J. Biol. Chem., 279, 19691-19697, 平成16
※14) Choi YJ, Choi TY, Yamaguchi M, Matsukage A, Kim YS, Yoo MA: Transcriptional regulation of the Drosophila caudal homeobox gene by the DRE/DREF system. Nucleic Acids Res., 32, 3734-3742, 平成16
※15) Aonuma M, Miyamoto M, Inoue Y.H., Tamai K, Sakai H, Kamasawa N, Matsukage A: Microtubule bundle formation and cell death induced by the human CLASP/Orbit N-terminal fragment. Cell Struct. Funct., 20, 7-13, 平成17
※ 1) S. Hamada, H. Sekimoto, Y. Tanabe, Y. Tsuchikane, M. Ito (2006) Isolation of myosin XI genes from the Closterium peracerosum-strigosum-littorale complex and analysis of their expression during sexual reproduction., J. Plant Res. 119: 105-113.  平成18年
※ 2) H. Sekimoto, Y. Tanabe, Y. Tsuchikane, H. Shirosaki, H. Fukuda, T. Demura, M. Ito (2006) Gene expression profiling using cDNA microarray analysis of the sexual reproduction stage of the unicellular charophycean alga Closterium peracerosum-strigosum-littorale complex., Plant Physiol. 141: 271-279. 平成18年
※ 3) S. Akatsuka, Y. Tsuchikane, R. Fukumoto, T. Fujii, H. Sekimoto (2006) Physiological characterization of the sex pheromone protoplast-release-inducing protein from the Closterium peracerosum-strigosum-littorale complex (Charophyta)., Phycol. Res. 54: 116-121.  平成18年
1) N. Nagata, M. Suzuki, S. Yoshida, T. Muranaka: Action of mevalonic acid-derived isoprenoids in Arabidopsis. In: N. Murata, M. Yamada, I. Nishida, H. Okuyama, J. Sekiya, W. Hajime (eds.). Advanced Research on Plant Lipids. Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Plant Lipids. Kluwer Academic publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp245-248 (2003) 平成15年
2) M. Suzuki, N. Nagata, Y. Kamide, S. Yoshida, T. Muranaka: The study of the mechanism of cell elongation using an inhibitor of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase. In: N. Murata, M. Yamada, I. Nishida, H. Okuyama, J. Sekiya, W. Hajime (eds.). Advanced Research on Plant Lipids. Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Plant Lipids. Kluwer Academic publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp249-252 (2003)  平成15年
1) Osumi M, Sato M, Shimada S(共著): Biological Systems Under Extreme Conditions, Structure and Function. (eds. Y. Taniguchi, HE. Stanley, H. Ludwing), Springer, Germany, 282, 平成13
2) Sato M, Kobayashi R, Shimada S, Osumi M(共著): Trends in High Pressure Biology (ed. Hayashi R), Elsevier Science B.V., 652, 平成14
3) 大隅正子(共著):微生物利用の大展開(今中忠行監修), 株式会社エヌ・ティー・エス, 1189, 平成14
4) 大隅正子(共著): 生命・細胞・電子顕微鏡講演会の記録−1982-2003年−(大隅正子編), 瑞穂印刷株式会社, 247, 平成15
5) 大隅正子(共著): 走査電子顕微鏡 第2版(日本顕微鏡学会関東支部編, 編集委員長大隅正子, 共立出版株式会社, 447, 平成17


今市涼子(共著): AERA Mook 植物学がわかる, 朝日新聞社, 176, 平成13
今市涼子(共著): プランタ(No. 80, 研成社, 64, 平成14
今市涼子(共著): プランタ(No. 87, 研成社, 64, 平成15
今市涼子(共訳): オックスフォード植物学辞典(駒嶺 穆監訳), 朝倉書店, 548, 平成16


松影昭夫(共著): ゲノムの複製と分配(松影昭夫、正井久雄編), シュプリンガー・フェアラーク東京株式会社, 234, 平成14
1) 分担執筆 Plant Sex Pheromones. In “Plant Hormones: A volume of Vitamins and Hormones”, Litwack, G. ed. ELSEVIER Inc., vol. 72: 457-478 (2005)  平成18年
2) 分担執筆「細胞生物学実験の操作法」(野村浩二 編著)、朝倉書店(2007 予定)   平成19年